In order to obtain information concerning personal data, purposes and partners to whom data are disclosed, please contact the owner.
Controller and owner of data
Wyspa Słodowa 10 street, 50-266 Wrocław
Retention time
Data are stored for a period that is necessary to provide services ordered by the User or for a period specified by purposes defined herein. The User may always ask the Data Controller to suspend or delete their data.
Gathered types of data
The owner does not provide the list of gathered personal data.
Other gathered Personal Data can be specified in other sections of this privacy policy or in a context, with the use of a dedicated text displayed at the collection of data. Personal data can be delivered freely by the User or collected automatically while this Application is used.
The purpose of any use of cookies or other monitoring tools by this Application or by the owners of services of third parties used by this Application, unless stated otherwise, is to identify Users and remember their preferences only with the aim of rendering services required by the User. Failure to make available some personal data. The User shall be held liable for Personal Data of third parties published or made available by this Application and declares the right to communicate with them or releasing the Data Controller from any liability.
Data are processed in the offices of the Data Controller and in other places in which parties connected with the processing are located. In order to obtain more information, please contact the Data Controller.
Processing methods
The Data Controller process Personal Data of Users in a proper manner and takes appropriate measures to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, modification or unauthorised destruction of data.
Data are processed with the use of computers and/or IT tools, in accordance with organisational procedures and methods closely connected with the set goals. Apart from the Data Controller, in some cases data can be available to specific types of people responsible for the operation of the service (administration, sales, marketing, legal system, system administration) or external entities (such as providers of technical services, postmen, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) appointed Data Processors by the Owner, if applicable. The current list of such parties can be provided by the Data Controller at any time.
Additional data concerning collection and processing of data
Apart from the information included in this privacy policy, this Application can provide the User with additional and context information concerning specific services or collection and processing of Personal Data upon demand.
System Logs and Maintenance
For the purpose of operation and maintenance, this application and any services of third parties can gather files constituting a record of interaction with such Application (system logs) or use other Personal Data for this purpose (e.g. IP address).
Information not included in this policy
More details on gathering or processing of Personal Data can be obtained from the Data Controller at any time. Contact details can be found at the beginning of this document.
Users’ rights
Users have right at any time to get to know whether their Personal Data were stored and consult the Data Controller as regards their content and origin in order to verify their accuracy and demand that they be supplemented, cancelled, updated or corrected, or to transform them into an anonymous form or to block any data stored contrary to the law, and to object against their use for any justified reasons. Applications should be sent to the Data Controller with the use of the information provided above.
This Application does not handle “Do Not Track” demands.
In order to specify whether any services of third parties handle “Do Not Track” demands, one has to read their privacy policy.
Amendments to this privacy policy
The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by way of notifying their Users on this website. It is recommended that the website be checked frequently and pay attention to the date of the last update provided below. If the User objects against any changes in this policy, they have to stop using this Application and can demand that the Data Controller delete their Personal Data. Unless stated otherwise, the applicable privacy policy refers to all Personal Data of the Users held by the Data Controller.
Information concerning this privacy policy
The Data Controller shall be responsible for this privacy policy, starting modules delivered by GuideMe24 and hosted on the servers of GuideMe24.
Definitions and legal references
Personal Data (or Data)
All and any pieces of information concerning the natural person, legal person, institution or association that are or can be identified, even indirectly by way of referring to any other pieces of information, including personal identification number.
Data about the use
Information are collected automatically from this Application (or services of third parties used in this Application) that may include: IP addresses or names of computer domains used by the Users who use this Application, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses, demand time, methods used to send demand to the server, size of the file received as a response, numerical code showing the status of the response of the server (success, failure etc.), country of origin, features of the browser and the operating system used by the User, various data concerning the visit (e.g. time spent on each website of the application) and details on the User’s path in the Application, with particular reference to the sequence of sites visited by the User and other parameters concerning the operating system of the device and/or IT environment of the user.
Person using this application who has to be the Data Subject or who has the permission of the Data Subject to which Personal Data refer.
Data subject
Legal or natural person to which Personal Data refer.
Data Processor (or Data Supervisor)
Natural person, legal person, public administration or other authority, association or organization authorised by the Data Controller to process Personal Data in accordance with this privacy policy.
Data Controller (or Owner)
Natural person, legal person, public administration or other authority, association or organisation, also in cooperation with other Data Controller, to make decisions concerning purposes and methods of processing Personal Data and measures used, including safety measures related to the operation and use of the application. The Data Controller is the owner of this application unless stated otherwise.
This Application
Equipment or programme tool used to gather Personal Data of the User.
Small fragment of data stored in the User’s device.
Legal information
The information for the users in Europe: This privacy policy has been prepared for the purpose of meeting the obligations resulting from Art. 10 of Directive EC no. 95/46/EC, and in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC, amended by Directive 2009/136/EC on cookies files. This privacy policy refers only to this Application.
Last update 23-05-2018